We got an opportunity to see some beautiful Sandhill Cranes on a recent trip to Lake Woodruff National Wildlife Refuge located in De Leon Springs, Florida last Saturday. This park is definitely hidden and is a bit hard to find.
Once there you feel like you are in untouched Florida. The park is primitive, but has very nice and wide nature trails and observations decks.
The Sandhills are not usually hard to find. One thing that helps in locating these beautiful birds is their distinctive trumpet-like call that you can hear from almost anywhere in the park.
In the first picture below, the two Sandhill couples each had babies called "Colts". During this part of our walk I only had one of my shorter lenses on the camera. This is as close as I felt comfortable getting to them. The last thing we want to do is make any wild animal feel like we are invading their space -- especially when they have their kids with them.
